A number of elected Pulaski County officials were sworn into office yesterday in the commissioners meeting room in the Pulaski County Courthouse. Among those sworn in were two county commissioners: Terry Young was sworn in and will serve once again as county commissioner, and Larry Brady, who underwent his first swearing-in for his new position as county commissioner for District 2.
Brady said he looks forward to having the chance to serve the citizens of Pulaski County, and was humbled by the ceremony.
“Quite a humbling experience here. Until you actually go through it you wonder what it’s going to be like, but it’s a real nice humbling experience and I’m glad to be a part of it,” said Brady.
While he doesn’t yet have any big items on his plate that he plans to work on during his time as commissioner, Brady said he’s just looking forward to being able to do his part in improving his community.
“I guess it’s whatever walks through the door is the biggest thing. You can come out with an agenda, but working with the overall department heads, other elected officials, and the citizens of Pulaski County and making sure that we are headed in the right direction,” said Brady.
Some other candidates who won their seats in this year’s general election include Roger Querry, Douglas Roth, and Jerry Sullivan, Jr., who will all serve on the county council.
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