![news 2](https://i0.wp.com/wkvi.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/news-2.jpg?resize=210%2C158&ssl=1)
The installation of the new playground equipment for Wythogan Park has hit a bit of a snag. Park Superintendent George Byer told the city council at their meeting last week that the equipment was delivered, but it had been damaged during shipment. As a result, the installation of the equipment is on hold until the replacement equipment has been received from American Playground. The company has agreed to deliver new equipment themselves to the park.
He said the overall area for the X-Wave will be 36 feet long and 16 feet wide, with concrete pillars that are two feet wide and four feet deep in concrete. A yard and a half of cement will hold the piece of equipment securely. The new equipment, Byer said, cost about $7000. Both the new trees and the playground equipment were paid for using insurance money from the storms that wreaked havoc in the park in June and July.
Also at the meeting, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston explained to the council that a transfer of funds was necessary in the Motor Vehicle Highway Department Fund because the new budget that was received from the Department of Local Government Finance did not include a line item for General Supplies.
Houston advised the council to transfer funds into the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund to allow for the payment of vouchers, and the council unanimously approved a resolution to transfer $10,000 from the Insurance line item to the General Supply line item.