Parents of prospective kindergarten students are invited to the Culver Community School Corporation kindergarten round-up event next week.
It’s scheduled Tuesday, April 25 at 6 p.m. ET in the Culver Elementary School cafeteria. Youngsters must turn 5 on or before Aug. 1, 2013 in order to be eligible to start school in the fall. Children do not need to attend this meeting with their parents, as this is merely an informational session. School officials do stress that the early registration is essential in the planning for next year’s kindergarten program.
Parents will get information about required health care records, forms needed for registration, kindergarten screening, Indiana curriculum standards and programs available for kindergarten students. Parents will need to bring a copy of their child’s birth certificate and immunization record.
Contact Culver Elementary at 574-842-3389 or 542-4017 to make other arrangements if you cannot attend next Thursday’s event.