North Judson to Soon Repair U.S. 30 Railroad Crossing Near Hanna


The town of North Judson received help from state representatives Douglas Gutwein and Tom Dermody, as well as Senator Ed Charbonneau and INDOT Representative Robert Alderman with the goal of obtaining funds to proceed with the repairs to the railroad crossing on U.S. 30 near Hanna. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said the town has been working on getting the project under way since last summer.

Henry explained the railroad crossing is the responsibility of the town of North Judson, despite being roughly 17 miles away, because of the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum’s partnership with the Chesapeake and Indiana Railroad. Because the track crosses a highway, INDOT approved up to $150,000 to pay for it.

Henry said the repairs are expected to be performed in June and all four lanes of traffic will be closed during the anticipated four-day construction. She said the town extends its thanks to Gutwein, Dermody, Charbonneau and Alderman for their work, as without them, the town likely would not have been able to pull the project off. Soon, she said, the crossing will once again be safe.