House Bill 1348 encourages 21st Century Scholar students to maintain a four-year graduation pace by basing financial assistance on classes completed rather than classes for which students have registered. The bill also extends the assistance into the summer months.
Representative Dermody also authored House Enrolled Act 1261 in response to the property tax situation in LaPorte County. This legislation helps protect homeowners by authorizing the Department of Local Government Finance to delay payment of tax bills imposed for the March 1, 2012 or Jan. 15, 2013 assessment dates. The bill also creates a two percent discount for those that pay their property taxes on time. If payments are not met in the allotted time, the bill creates an additional 12 month period before allowing property to go up for public auction.
Dermody co-sponsored Senate Bill 152 concerning appeals to the Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals. Currently, the law designates property owners must continually appeal their assessments every year based on its original assessed value. This bill establishes that homeowners who win an appeal are able to use PTABOA’s newly assessed value as a guideline for future property assessments. With this option, a homeowner is less likely to appeal their assessments using the newly established amount.
For more information on any of these bills, visit