The Ancilla College Board of Trustees has reorganized.
Board Chairman John Chandler and Vice Chairman Larry Faulstich will be stepping down after serving 10 years in an assortment of leadership roles at the college. Elected as chairman of the board was Francis Ellert of Culver and Charles Weaver of Knox was elected vice-chairman of the board. Sisters Nora Hahn and Marlene Ann Lama, PHJC, were elected to serve three-year terms on the board and Sister Margaret Henss, PHJC, was re-elected to a second three-year term.
In addition to the board elections, Ancilla College President Dr. Ron May announced his retirement. He will officially retire in June 2014 after he was asked last year to extend his contract for an additional year. May was named president of the institution in May 2006.
The Board of Trustees also approved a budget, a calendar and changes to college policies for 2014 and heard reports outlining improvements in enrollment, fundraising and campus activities during their recent regular board meeting.