The Knox Community School Board heard a presentation on reading textbooks from the Director of Curriculum and Instruction Peggy Shidaker, and Lori White, a third grade teacher last night.
They explained that every six years, a new textbook is needed for Kindergarten through the sixth grade level. Administrators, teachers and reading coaches on the textbook committee dissected five different companies for the right curriculum for the needs of the students.
Peggy Shidaker noted that the publishers presented their collection before the textbook committee and it was narrowed down to two choices: Reading Street by Pearson and Wonders by McGraw Hill. Those publishers were chosen based on common core standards, Indiana standards, assessments, plus small group availability, vocabulary, phonics, and comprehension strengths. Ultimately the committee selected Reading Street by Pearson.
Lori White told the board that the books also offer supplemental items to the textbooks and offers the higher level of thinking the teachers are trying to convey to the students.
The board approved the textbook recommendation.