Carnegie presented the commissioners with a proposed site and design plan and explained the proposed jail layout to the audience. He said there are three alternate bids that can be chosen from when the bids are let, giving the county the options of upgrading the vehicle sally port from one vehicle to two, constructing a courtroom within the jail, and adding two extra cell blocks.
Scott Cherry with the Skillman Corporation told the commissioners that the focus is on fitting as many needs and wants into the project. He said the current schematic estimate is at $11,331,990, and they’re hoping to have estimates come in within two percent of the actual bids.
Cherry gave the commissioners a revised schedule, and said that on June 12, he expects to receive the revised drawings from DLZ and will return to the commissioners on July 1 to give them another update on the project.
The commissioners unanimously approved a motion to move forward with the design development.