Tax Payments Due Tomorrow; Don’t Be Late


The dreaded day is nearly here. The first installment of property taxes are due tomorrow, and treasurers in Marshall, Pulaski, and Starke counties are working hard to process payments as they come in. May 10 is the due date for the first installment of property taxes with the second installment due Nov. 12.

Taxpayers in Starke County can drop off their payments at the county annex building or at the First National Bank of Monterey in North Judson, Bank of Indiana in North Judson and Hamlet, First Source Bank in Knox, DeMotte State Bank in Knox, or First Farmers Bank in Knox. Payments can also be mailed to the treasurer’s office, but must be in the mail before May 10. The office will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday and Friday.

Pulaski County taxpayers can pay their taxes at the treasurer’s office in the courthouse or at a variety of local banks. Payments are accepted at the First Federal Savings Bank in Winamac, First National Banks in Monterey and Winamac, Alliance Bank in Francesville and Winamac, and at Key Bank in Winamac.

Marshall County taxpayers can visit the treasurer’s office Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or drop off their payments at any Lake City Bank branch or First State Bank in Bourbon. Taxpayers must have their tax statement in order for the payment to be accepted. The treasurer’s office will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on May 9 and 10.

Taxes can also be paid online or over the phone with a debit or credit card; call 1-866-480-8552 for more information.