Hamlet Town Board Attempting to Hammer out a Small Livestock Ordinance

The Hamlet Town Board is still attempting to gather together a small livestock ordinance.

Hamlet Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts said there are several residents that oppose the measure and they want to draft an ordinance that would settle the issue. Two public hearings have been held concerning the issue.

The board wanted to construct an ordinance that mirrors South Bend’s current ordinance concerning the allowance of urban chickens. The ordinance would include a limit on the number of chickens, a allowance on the boundaries on chicken coops on a property and an annual fee.

Pitts indicated that the board hopes to have an ordinance soon – maybe as soon as the next board meeting on June 18.

Pitts added that the board also held preliminary discussion concerning the 150th Anniversary. A celebration is planned during the Yellowstone Fest in August.