The Marshall County Commissioners approved a contract with Eagle Associates Group to help the clerk’s office collect fees.
Clerk Julie Fox explained to the commissioners that her office is busy with so many cases that it’s hard to focus on collecting court fees for judgments. With Eagle Associates Group, Fox would be able to hand over approximately 3,612 cases to be pursued. The collection agency would take over the case and with any money recovered, they would receive 28 percent.
Fox explained that the number varies per case so it’s unclear what amount they would get and the county would get per case. The money would be turned over in a yearly amount.
Approximately $1 million is outstanding from those not paying court fees and other administrative fees.
There would be no expense to the county to enter into this agreement – just the percentage the company will collect when they collect from offenders.
The contract was approved and will help free up the clerk’s office to concentrate on current cases and other paperwork. The contract will expire when Julie Fox leaves office on Dec. 31, 2014.