One of those items is an ordinance amendment concerning part-time hours in the personnel policy. The change reflects action taken to avoid running part-time workers logging more than 30 hours a week on a regular basis thus being eligible for insurance benefits as laid out in the Affordable Care Act.
Two public hearings are scheduled at 10 a.m. ET that deal with the Emergency Management Agency. Director Clyde Avery explained that the Emergency Fund Procurement ordinance is changing the chain of command in which to appropriate emergency funds. If the county experiences a catastrophic disaster and the EMA needs equipment or supplies, emergency funds can be approved immediately by the county commission president and the county council president. This way, an agreement to release those funds will not need to wait for a special board meeting between both entities.
The other public hearing deals with updating an EMA ordinance that’s more in line with the state statute. It also allows non-essential employees to be reassigned to help in disaster efforts.
The Marshall County Commissioners meet at 9:30 a.m. ET in the county building.