Marshall County Sheriff’s Department Captain Dan Butt asked the commissioners for approximately $32,000 to be added to the prisoner meals line item in the sheriff’s budget. He asked the council to take some money out of the General Fund and the CAGIT fund to be used to fund this request and the council denied that. They suggested transferring approximately $30,000 into that line item for now which will be done within the sheriff’s budget. Captain Butt told the council that more money will be requested as they are about $82,000 short to fulfill the needs at the jail in terms of meals.
A $250,000 appropriation was approved for the highway department. It was explained that the highway department buys the gas and then other departments purchase the gas from the highway department which goes into a fund. That money spent is all paid back but it has to be satisfied as an appropriation.
The Marshall County Commissioners’ request for $29,500 was approved for 10 new voting machines. This will help alleviate congestion at some voting locations within the county.