The Director of Older Adult Services approached the Marshall County Council this week requesting funds for the transportation program.
Jackie Wright explained that a large share of their funding from INDOT has been cut drastically this year which has to do with the federal sequester. This shortfall will only affect 2013 as she expects the transportation bill to be back to full funding levels in 2014. She appreciates the funding that is given from the county by the commissioners, but she is seeking additional funds to keep the transportation service open for the remainder of the year.
She said the Older Americans Act cut 15 percent of their budget and they are doing what they can internally to not affect services to the public. She did state that fares will increase by 50 cents on July 1.
The transportation department services residents all through Marshall County. They have eight fully operational vehicles to transport those who need assistance.
Wright’s request for $20,000 will considered during the Marshall County Council’s meeting in July.