Pulaski County Assessor’s Office Move Still On Hold

The Pulaski County assessor’s office isn’t going anywhere any time soon, as the commissioners this week once again tabled the matter and encouraged Assessor Holly VanDerAa to return at their second meeting in July for an update on the situation. Commissioner Tracey Shorter said she feels like the commissioners have a plan in place for the office move, but she needs to get other county officials on board with the plan before it can proceed. To that end, she said, she will need to touch base with everyone involved and will update VanDerAa in July.

VanDerAa is seeking to move her office from its current location because she says it is so cramped employees are forced to transact business in the hallway. Assessor Holly VanDerAa approached the commissioners and council in January about purchasing the building across from the courthouse most recently occupied by attorney Crystal Sanders. The commissioners told her to proceed, but the council wanted more information about whether the building is handicap accessible and otherwise up to code.

The county council tabled a request in January to approve the purchase of the building to be used as the assessor’s office. The cost of $77,000 to purchase the building located across the street from the courthouse would likely have come from the Cumulative Building Fund, but the council agreed that more options need to be examined before any rash decision is made. As a result, the council tabled the request until more information on possible options had been received.