Compliance is High After Smoking Law Marks First Anniversary

The Indiana Smoke Free Air Law has been in effect for one year and the Indiana State Department of Health’s Tobacco Prevention and Cessation division has worked closely with the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission to make sure the new law was implemented and compliance has sustained.

The law prohibits smoking in all businesses, except for membership clubs, bars, casinos, and retail tobacco shops. This is to help protect against secondhand smoke which contains 4,000 chemicals, including at least 69 carcinogens.

Compliance is high and 13 Indiana municipalities have adopted stronger anti-smoking laws that protect workers in all workplaces.

Smoking and secondhand smoke-related illnesses cost Indiana millions of dollars per year. A 2012 report from the Bowen Research Center at the Indiana University School of Medicine found that secondhand smoke costs Indiana $1.3 billion per year.