North Judson Town Council Approves Readings of Mowing, Yard Sale Ordinances


The North Judson Town Council members approved the first reading of an amended mowing ordinance Monday night.

The ordinance states that any grass, weeds or natural growth on any yard or lot shall not exceed eight inches in height. If a homeowner or renter allows the growth to exceed a height of eight inches, a citation will be issued. A notification will be sent to first time violators that gives them a time period of 10 days to mow the property. If compliance is not made within that time, town crews will perform the mowing and a lien in the amount of $250 will be placed against the owner’s property. A homeowner/renter will be sent only one notice per season. For second and additional violations per season, notice will be provided per Indiana Code.

The council members also approved the first reading of an ordinance to control rummage, garage and yard sales as well as flea markets. According to the ordinance, none of those activities may be conducted without first obtaining a permit authorizing the event from the town. No sales can be held for more than four days in a 90-day period. When you obtain your permit, you will be issued four advertising signs which may be placed within the town’s right-of-way or easements. Those signs can be posted on poles, posts, trees, stakes or other structure located on the town’s easement or right-of-way as long as they don’t block the sight of traffic. Only signs issued by the town may be used. All yard sale items must be removed from the sale area not more than 24 hours after each permit expires. Farmer’s  market and produce/vegetable stands are exempt from the ordinance unless they sell items other than fresh produce or live plants. Operators of such stands must register with the clerk-treasurer’s office.

Also, the farmer’s market and produce/vegetable stands are “exempt from compliance with the ordinance”, and must be registered with Clerk-Treasurer’s office.  However, if a farmer’s market or produce/vegetable stand sells any items other than fresh produce or live plants (such as flowers and herbs), then they are subject to the yard sale ordinance and must comply. Fixed and established businesses are exempt from the yard sale ordinance. Anybody with questions is urged to contact North Judson Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry at 574-896-3340.


A “fixed and established business” are exempt from the ordinance, but is not required to register with Clerk-Treasurer’s office.




Any fixed and established place of business as defined and any Farmer’s Market or produce/vegetable stand as defined are exempt from compliance with this ordinance, but must be registered with the clerk-treasurer.

Additional readings on these ordinances will be held at the next meeting on Monday, July 15.