“Savor Indiana is a television program run on PBS, all across the state of Indiana, produced by Associated Images out of Indianapolis, and it’s essentially a tourism marketing program. Thought it’d be a really good opportunity to do a little more focus on tourism in Pulaski County,” Origer said.
Origer said the program was referred to him by one of the Pulaski County Community Development Commission’s partners in northwest Indiana, and after hearing their presentation at a CDC meeting, he said they decided to move forward with it. The program will be a half-hour long with seven to eight minutes of commercials.
Now it’s just a matter of deciding what businesses, organizations or other locations should be featured in the program. Origer said he’s getting input from various members of the community to decide what would best benefit the program.
“Once we get signatures on the dotted lines, we will finalize the venues, still getting input a little bit more from CDC members, Chamber members, other people in the community who have an interest in this. Then I will work with Associated Images to finalize 10 or so places where they will shoot and then they’ll come and set a scout date when they’ll visit each of the locations, get a feel for it, and then we will schedule the shooting dates,” Origer said.
Origer said his hope is to have Pulaski County’s episode of Savor Indiana on the air by the fall.