Though the recent emergency call for blood and platelet donations from the American Red Cross has drawn thousands of people to respond to the growing need for blood, an urgent need yet remains for platelet donors, as well as donors with types O negative, B negative and A negative blood. Blood produts are being distributed to area hospitals almost as quickly as donations are coming in.
Karen Kelley, communications director for the Indiana-Ohio Red Cross Blood Services Region, said they are grateful to the donors who have bled for the cause, but their work is not over. The need for blood is constant, and as July comes to an end and August begins, they are asking eligible donors to give blood or platelets as soon as possible.
The Red Cross issued an emergency call for blood donations on July 9 after seeing about 50,000 fewer blood and platelet donations than expected in June. Donations have increased by about 15 percent since the emergency call for donors was issued, but the middle and end of July mark only the halfway point to the challenging summer months.
Eligible donors with types O negative, B negative and A negative blood are especially encouraged to give double red cells where available. Type O negative blood is the universal blood type and can be transfused to anyone who needs blood. Types A negative and B negative blood can be transfused to Rh positive or negative patients.
Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license, or two other forms of identification are required at check-in.