The Fifth Annual Rick Haschel Memorial 5k Run/Walk and 10k Run is approaching as competitors prepare for the race in memory of the late Rick William Haschel Sr. and his love for the sport of distance running. All proceeds from the event will go to the Pulaski Memorial Hospice to help with their efforts in providing quality care for terminally ill patients and their families.
This running and walking race will kick off at 8:30 a.m. ET on Saturday, July 20, with the track starting at the Chamber of Commerce Train Station, looping through the western cemetery hills of Winamac.
Haschel was not only a dedicated worker for the town of Winamac, but was also a volunteer fireman for many years as well as a distance running coach, father, and a husband. On top of that, Haschel was an avid runner who competed twice in the Chicago Marathon before his life was ultimately taken by cancer in May 2002.
Registration will take place at the Chamber of Commerce Train Station located across the street west of the fire station at a fee of $25. Volunteers to help with the event are also needed; for more information, call Karen Utes at (574) 946-2140 or visit www.rhm5k.com.