“We’re having our motorcycle ride again this year plus a truck ride,” said Johnson. “A hog roast is planned, live music, plus live and silent auctions. Anyone interested in coming can show up at 4 p.m. with the auction time to start at 5 p.m.”
Johnson stressed that the motorcycle ride and the truck ride will start earlier in the day.
“We’re checking in at 11:30 a.m. and leaving at 12:30 p.m. Trucks who want to join us will be checking in at 1 p.m. and leaving at 1:45 p.m. You’ll be meeting up with the motorcycles,” said Johnson.
If you bring in an old instrument that has been collecting dust in your home, that will be your ticket for the hog roast meal that evening.
“Used, broken – it doesn’t matter. The instruments that we can not fix we turn them into some pretty cool things for the auction. This year we have a bistro table and chairs set up. They were made with some old, recycled drums,” Johnson said.
Approximately 15 instruments that were donated last year will be placed with a student this year.
Kaylee Shearin said the fundraiser is in memory of Drew Shearin, a 17-year-old Knox High School student killed in a car accident in 2011, who was a gifted musician and who had a great passion for music and fine arts. Those involved wanted to give a chance to those who want to give toward this cause but may not have the resources to do so.
“We do this in the memory of someone, but we do it in the prospects of other people’s futures,” explained Shearin. “This could be students in high school or students in college and beyond – anyone who is interested in music and the arts.”
An important announcement about a new program to start this fall will also be announced on Saturday.
You’re welcome to enjoy the hog roaast which is $9 for adults and $5 for children under 10 years of age. If you’re participating in the motorcycle or truck ride, the cost is $15 and it’s $20 if you have a passenger.
Visit www.drewshearinmusic.com for more information.