“I’m very pleased that through all of the adversity the students in our elementary performed exceptionally well and our junior high students performed average,” said Briles. “As the same with the elementary school, there’s always room for improvement.”
Briles explained that with the help of Elementary Principal William Bennett and Jr. High and High School Principal Tim Pletcher, new ways to improve those scores will be formulated.
A more comprehensive report will be offered to the board members for their review this week.
There were some Oregon-Davis students affected during the ISTEP+ test this spring and even with the adversity, the students performed well on the test. Briles noted that the board has had many discussions over the past year on the reliability of the ISTEP+ test.
Statewide ISTEP+ data showed that 79.5 percent of students passed the English/Language Arts portion of the test and 82.7 percent passed math. Both of those statistics show growth. Science content on the 2013 ISTEP+ was based on standards adopted three years ago and the Education Roundtable and the State Board of Education will consider the cut scores in the coming weeks.