Knox Street Superintendent Jeff Borg gave an update on projects to the Board of Public Works members this week.
He said workers are doing roadside tree trimming and crack sealing while the weather is still good. Only 30 dump truck loads of brush were collected this month compared to 54 last month. He added that fall leaf pickup will be starting soon.
Salt for the winter has been ordered. A total of 150 tons of salt were purchased at $48 a ton. Borg said the price keeps going down every year which is good for budgeting purposes.
Water Superintendent Todd Gardner reported to the board that there was a little bit of a hiccup on the Clabaugh Drive lift station project. Crews hit a gas line that was incorrectly marked by six feet and a pressure line was snagged. Those issues were remedied and the project has been moving along. The old lift station will remain at the site for 30 days after the construction until all of the kinks get worked out of the new lift station.