Be Safe When Cooking This Thanksgiving

Several fatal fires occurred over the weekend in Indiana and the State Fire Marshal urges you to use caution and pay attention while cooking this Thanksgiving.

We all get wrapped up visiting with family for the holidays which leads to distractions. Fire Marshal James Greeson reminds you to check your home’s smoke detectors to make sure they’re working. If you need to install smoke detectors, place them on all levels of the house, including the basement. Smoke alarms should be placed near every sleeping area.

Make sure that you stay in the kitchen while cooking food. Check on the food regularly and stay in the home while it is cooking. Keep all flammable items away from the stove top. If there is an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed.

Turkey fryers should be used outdoors and a safe distance away from buildings and any other flammable materials.

It would also be a good idea to have an all-purpose fire extinguisher nearby.