“Every year the association recruits entries, audio projects from stations in cities, towns and markets across the state. This year we’re fortunate enough to be a finalist in the Station of the Year category, and also we’ve been recognized as a finalist in the public affairs program for our Sunday program, Kankakee Valley Viewpoints. It’s on Sunday at noon. We won’t find out until the dinner Saturday night, but we’re looking forward to being there and celebrating in whatever fashion,” Curtis said.
Curtis said being a finalist for a Spectrum Award is a tremendous honor.
“It’s an honor for everybody, not just stations, but individual announcers, writers and producers. There are other categories. There’s a sports category, a humorous commercial of the year category. It’s a feather in the cap for a radio station, staff or individual who may have written and produced a commercial that is recognized,” he explained.
Curtis adds the recognition by the IBA is an affirmation that the management and staff at WKVI are doing the right things.
“The judges have sifted through all of the entries. I don’t know how many there were, but there’s usually a good number from all over the state. The other two finalists, I might mention, are WMDH in New Castle and WZVN in Lowell, both fine stations, so the competition is strong,” said Curtis.
The Indiana Association of Broadcasters Spectrum Awards will be presented Saturday evening at 7 p.m. ET in Indianapolis.