Marshall County Highway Superintendent Neal Haeck gave the commissioners an update on costs of buggy plates and trailers in area counties.
The commissioners are attempting to find a way to repair roads that have a lot of horse and buggy traffic. Horse hooves and the buggy wheels create damage to the roads that aren’t made to sustain that type of traffic and Marshall County absorbs a lot of the cost of repairs.
Haeck said that he talked to highway superintendents and township trustees in LaGrange and Elkhart Counties. In Elkhart County, buggy plates are $25 and trailer plates are $17. Those fees total $155,000 per year and that money is used to maintain roads that are utilized by those who travel by horse and buggy.
In LaGrange County, it is $60 for buggy plates and $20 for trailer plates. $421,640.30 comes into the county for road maintenance. A wheel tax is also plays a part of the fees.
The commissioners took the information under advisement for a future discussion.