David PearmanThe Starke County Council last night held a special meeting to take care of some end-of-year business and discussed a necessary transfer for the prosecutor’s office to ensure that none of their budget items are in the negative come the new year. Council President Dave Pearman told the council that the prosecutor’s office budget was negative $9381, and in the past, the council has approved a transfer from the pretrial diversion fund to cover the deficit.
Pearman said this is not an additional appropriation, only a transfer, and it was caused by the employment of a temporary employee that caused the numbers to “skew.” The council approved the transfer.
The council also approved the amended salary ordinance that allowed for a 1.5 percent raise for employees rather than the 3 percent raise they had planned for previously. Pearman said the lower raise was caused by cuts from the state and the council approved the ordinance unanimously.