Pulaski Council Approves Encumbrance For Highway Department

The Pulaski County Council this week approved an encumbrance for the highway department to allow them to take the delivery of salt that they were previously unable to store. Highway Superintendent Mark Fox requested the council approve the encumbrance of $9524 for the salt, saying the department had nowhere to put the salt when they planned to purchase it in 2013.

Fox also requested two additional appropriations for the county bridge projects. He requested a $7800 transfer to finish up the work to bridge 268 and $40,050 to finish up bridge 291. He said he was unable to encumber those funds because those bridges did not have specific line items.

The council approved his requests, as well as other encumbrances; however, they denied an encumbrance from the building inspector at the behest of Auditor Sheila Garling, who said there was no legitimate reason to encumber $3.98. She said it should come out of the 2014 budget to avoid setting a “dangerous precedent.”