Starke County Treasurer Reports Over $1 Million in Unpaid Property Taxes

The Starke County Treasurer’s office has recorded $1,544,354.93 in unpaid taxes this year.

Treasurer Kasey Clark stated that if the taxes aren’t paid, those affected will be eligible for tax sale next year. Some will be turned over to collection in June as they are personal property taxes. 1,599 bills are not paid. According to Clark, around $80,000 a year is turned over to a collection agency where approximately 15 percent is collected on that each year.

Some of those properties will be going in a certificate sale on Feb. 27 at 10 a.m. Property will be sold for $35 or $100 so buyers could benefit from the sale. Several properties that are in and around the Monterey area will be sold. Clark noted that only a fraction of $444,773.59 will come back to the county from the sale due to the low prices on properties just to get them back on the tax rolls.

Letters will be sent out to anyone who might have land that is up for the certificate sale. Clark said she is hoping to sell all properties eligible.