State Park Deer Reduction Effort Results Released

The results of the 2013 state park deer reduction effort have been released, and according to the report, the effort was a success. Twenty-one state parks required deer reductions in 2013, with the first two-day hunt held Nov. 18 and 19 and the second on Dec. 2 ad 3. A total of 1,763 deer were harvested with 6,552 hunter efforts

The report indicates that statistics continue to illustrate overall success for the deer reduction program, despite cumulative harvest rates apparently stalling slightly higher than desirable. Park reductions are not intended to manage populations for optimal recreational hunting; rather, the goal is to simply reduce the impact of browsing to a level that allows some of Indiana’s rarest and most unique natural communities to thrive.

Nine of the 22 properties harvested an average of 32 percent fewer deer than each did in their most recent reduction hunt. Thirteen of the properties harvested an average of 39 percent more deer than they each did in their most recent reduction, while two new properties have likely achieved maintenance status for the first time with the 2013 effort.

Parks requiring reductions in 2014 will be listed and made available along with online applications for 2014 hunts in July 2014 at along with other IDNR reserved hunts.

Visit to view the full report.