Winter Weather, Wind Chill Advisories In Effect for Kankakee Valley


A winter weather advisory is in effect until noon Central today for the WKVI listening area. We’re also under a wind chill advisory until late Wednesday morning. Strong gusting winds of around 35 miles-per-hour will cause snow to blow and drift this morning. This in turn could make some roads impassable and cause localized white-out conditions in open areas. Please do not call county dispatch centers for updates on road conditions, as dispatchers are busy fielding emergency calls and sending help. Call 1- 800-261-7623 for road condition information or visit the Indiana Department of Transportation’s website at

Dangerous wind chills are also imminent. They’ll dip to between 15 and 25 below this morning and are expected to fall to 25 to 35 below by this evening. Wind chills will remain well below zero Tuesday before gradually improving on Wednesday. Frostbite of exposed skin can occur within minutes when it’s this cold. Hypothermia and death are also possible with prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.