DOE Releases Graduation Rate Data


The Indiana Department of Education released graduation rate data Wednesday for the 2012-2013 school year.

The graduation rate is up from 2012. The average rate for all schools was 88.6% and most of the local schools are above that rate.

John Glenn Schools had the highest graduation rate of the local schools at 96.6% and Culver Community Schools had the lowest graduation rate at 77%.

West Central Schools had 92.3%, Eastern Pulaski Schools had 92.3%, Knox Community Schools had 87.9%, North Judson-San Pierre had 84.7%, Oregon-Davis had 86.3%, Plymouth Schools had 86%, and South Central Schools had 85.3%.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz said that the information received is a crucial step in ensuring that students graduate from high school and are both college and career ready.