The Knox Board of Public Works received an update on how things are moving along in the street department.
Street Superintendent Jeff Borg said the traffic light seized again at the intersection of Culver Road and Main Street by the Knox Middle School. The light is obsolete and Borg said it’s getting harder and harder to find parts to repair it. At one time, they got all of the parts they could from the South Bend department as they were going to throw them away. Most of their lights are upgraded.
Ron Warner is the only electrician that will work on the traffic light and pretty soon he’ll be retiring and won’t be able to continue to fix the light. Borg suggested that it’s time to research finding a new light for the intersection.
The area has been deemed an artery collector and grants could be available toward the purchase of a new traffic light.
Borg also told the board members that the leaf vac had some damage and will take $1,600 in parts to fix. All work will be done in-house.
The city was awarded a reimbursable grant in order to purchase signs to warn traffic of an oncoming railroad crossing. The city will be reimbursed up to $2,600.