North Judson Town Board Adopts Social Media Policy

North Judson Water TowerThe Town of North Judson now has a social networking policy on the books for its employees. It applies to all full and part-time workers, elected officials and any other person or persons or department in close association with the town. Board members adopted the policy when they met Monday night. It recognizes that people may use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites and reminds them that their postings may have an adverse effect on the town or themselves. Employees are urged to monitor content in which they are tagged and only post work-related information with permission. The policy does allow the clerk-treasurer to post information about upcoming town events or needs on social media sites with approval from the council. To read the policy, click hereĀ  SOCIAL NETWORKING POLICY-05-19-2014.In other business, the revised contractor permit passed first and second readings. It’s set for final reading and adoption at the Monday, June 2 meeting. Board members also approved purchase orders for mosquito spray, a part for an oxidation ditch and the purchase of a new printer for the billing department at the clerk’s office. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry tells WKVI news it was more cost-effective to buy a new one with a warranty than to try to fix the old one.

The town is also replacing the speed bumps that were recently stolen from Weninger Street near the park. Board members authorized the expenditure of up to $675 for a new set.

