Interim Highway Superintendent Submits 2015 Budget Considerations


Several department heads went before the Marshall County Council members this week to discuss some of the items for consideration in the 2015 budget.

Interim Highway Superintendent Jason Peters said that more staff would be ideal for the department.

“We’re minus eight people. That really hinders some of our operations especially come spring time when we could actually be out berming roads. When I first started in 2004 we were always able to go out and start berming in the spring. Right now we don’t have the personnel to be able to pull those people off – the guys that are patching roads as opposed to being able to go out and start berming. I would be inclined to ask for three more positions if possible – two more truck drivers and one more operator,” said Peters.

He also discussed some equipment that could be considered for purchase next year.

“We have a New Holland tractor right now that in the past three to four years has roughly cost us about $30,000 in repairs. That’s something for us definitely to look into. We’d like to update a couple of trucks and possibly a payloader.”

Council President Matt Hassel asked about summer employment and Peters said there are four people that have come on to help this summer. Those employees help with flagging, paving and mowing. Peters said more employees would help get more projects done in a timely manner. No extra trucks or other equipment would be needed to accommodate the request for additional employees.

The council members asked Peters for an inventory and equipment use list so they are aware of what equipment is at the highway department and the need for equipment. His requests will be considered at budget time.