A local school corporation will have a new superintendent when classes start in the fall. This is Charles Mellon’s last day at West Central. He’s retiring after 34 years with the corporation. Mellon started there as an assistant principal in 1980 and worked his way into the front office.
“It is a great place to raise a family. Most things are centered around school and church in this community. That’s what we enjoyed. A lot of our staff that come in new stay. That’s a good sign that’s a good place to live and a good, strong school corporation,” Mellon told WKVI News.
He’s been superintendent at West Central for 15 years. He took over from longtime administrator Roger Dickinson in 1990. Superintendents aren’t the only ones with longevity at West Central. Mellon says there have only been 24 school board members in the 34 years he’s been with the corporation. Of those, five are still the same as when he took over as superintendent. Mellon says residents of the school corporation like the consistency and stability that come with strong leadership.
Mellon adds he’s enjoyed a good working relationship with the school board members.
“If there is an issue, we bring it up, we discuss it. We take time to review it and then come back and discuss it again. Very seldom is anything presented to the board where they have not heard of before that there needs to be a decision made that night. We always try and keep them informed. This is what’s coming. Here is anew legislative act, be thinking about that, and now it’s time to put it in the policy manual. A decision takes place, and normally a consensus is reached.”
Longtime West Central High School Principal Don Street will replace Mellon in the front office. The school board made that decision several months ago. Mellon and his wife, Darlene, plan to remain in the area.