The Knox Board of Public Works heard from Building Administrator Bruce Williams on several properties that are under notice of condemnation.
One property is the old pool business on 10 S. Heaton Street that is just north of the railroad tracks. That building was ravaged by a fire several years ago and poses as a safety hazard. The roof and structure are damaged and it is recommended for demolition. Williams stated that he has not gotten a reply back from the owners concerning a certified letter that was sent. The board members approved a motion to affirm the condemnation order to demolish the building.
Another order was affirmed to demolish a home and two outbuildings at 354 E. Water Street. The home had been vacant for about 10 years.
A home that was owned by Norma Wagner at 353 Mound Street, who has since passed away, will be cleaned up by her son and his wife. They were at the Board of Public Works meeting on Wednesday to explain their plans for the home as Williams has found several problems with the property. Cleon Wagner said he’s planning on cleaning up the outside of the property first and then putting a new roof on the home next year. From there, they will continue to fix up the home. The taxes are paid and it’s going through the process of changing ownership.
The board agreed to table this hearing for another date to be determined.