The Culver Community School Corporation is seeking a $52,747 grant from the state for retention incentives for highly effective teachers. The purpose of the state grant is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts improve teacher and principal quality and effectiveness. Evaluations of the teachers determine who receives part of the grant as a bonus. Director of Operations Chuck Kitchell says if the grant is received, a portion of the grant will be set aside.
“About $6,000 of that money we would like to set aside to help with professional development activities for our teachers,” said Kitchell.
Kitchell added this isn’t the first time Culver has requested this particular grant.
“It’s something that we see every year. You basically have about four categories of things that you can ask the money for. And this year like I said those are the two that we are trying to get money into, retention incentives for teachers and professional development,” added Kitchell.
Kitchell will not know if they receive the grant until after the submission date on Oct. 30th.