Knox Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Board of Public Works this week that the leaf pick-up program is keeping the employees busy. He added that the department is gearing up for the winter season. The first order of road salt should be placed at the first of December but the supply the city has now is healthy. He said prices jumped 50 percent per ton of road salt over last year’s price. Borg stated that the city should be in good shape and hopes that the weather isn’t as bad as last year.
Borg explained that the circuit breaker credit hurt his department this year. He was ordered to cut around $47,000 which included a cab and chassis he budgeted to buy this year. He is wanting to replace an older vehicle that is costing more money to repair than it would to buy another one. Borg will appear before the city council to request an additional appropriation to purchase that for the street department. He said there is some money that can be moved around and will possibly request up to $11,000 for the equipment.