Video Conferencing Approved for Courts, Jail


The video conferencing equipment in the Marshall County Superior Court 1 and Superior Court 2 courtrooms and the Marshall County Jail will soon be upgraded to include high definition quality.

Judge Dean Colvin told the county council members this week that the county can conduct court hearings via video conferencing to reduce the cost of transporting inmates from the jail to the courthouse for hearings.

The video conference systems are currently inoperable at this time, so the staff is looking to replace the equipment.

Judge Colvin also requested the upgrade of that equipment along with audio and visual equipment. He said the courts need to have up-to-date equipment available to show photos admitted into evidence, as well as police car dash videos and personal cell phone videos. Judge Colvin stressed that more and more evidentiary support is available through electronic devices that could be submitted during a trial.

He commented that the installation of fiber for the Metronet project would help connectivity between the jail and the courthouse.

In a previous meeting, Judge recommended a contract with ESCO to provide the equipment in the amount of $149,950. The commissioners previously approved the request. The council this week also approved the request with a unanimous vote. The additional appropriation will come from the County Adjusted Gross Income Tax fund.