During the Oregon-Davis School Board meeting Monday evening there were two contracts up for renewal.
The first was that of high school principal Tim Pletcher. His two year contract was unanimously approved for renewal. Superintendent Greg Briles said the two year principal contract is common with other area schools as well.
The superintendent’s contract was the second one up for renewal. Briles explained why his contract was one of the items on the agenda, “When I originally was hired I was an interim superintendent. My contract was not made official until January and what this did was that it cleaned it all up and makes it from July to June.”
One of the final topics in the discussion/action items of the agenda was the superintendent’s bonus for the 2014/15 school year. Briles explained that it is a contractual bonus based on the evaluation the school board gives him every school year. He said, “The way that the evaluation is set up is in accordance with the Indiana School Board association and if I am effective and highly effective I get parts of a bonus and if I need improvement I do not get any part of a bonus.”
Based on the board’s evaluation of Briles, it was motioned to allow the bonus. The amount was not specified but is also dependent on the board’s evaluation of his performance during the last school year.