Scams Continue to Plague the Area

  A woman in North Judson recently reported to Police that she received some suspicious text messages from a place claiming to be the federal court asking for money to keep her out of jail. After looking into the legitimacy of the claims she deciphered it was a scam. Other scams have also been reported, one being a claim that the recipient had won a monetary prize but needed to send cash in order to obtain the money. The other was someone claiming to be from the IRS threatening to put the person in jail due to back taxes owed in the amount of over $5,000. Do not respond to these or any thing similar, they are scams! Continue reading

2015 Starke County Fair Schedule




7:30am             Enter 4-H Dogs

8am                  4-H Dog Obedience             SA

8:30–11:30am    Open Class Exhibit Entry  OCB                               (Except: Flowers, Foods, Food

     Pres., Hay & Grain)

12pm                4-H Dog Showmanship           SA

5-8pm               Enter 4-H Rabbits                RPB

6-9pm               Enter 4-H Horses & Ponies    HA



6-8am               Enter 4-H Poultry Projects   RPB

6-9am               Enter 4-H Beef & Starter


7–9am              Enter 4-H Horses & Ponies    HA

7am– noon        Lions Club Pancake              LFS


9am                  Enter 4-H Pocket Pals            SA

9–11am             Enter 4-H Cavy, Doe &                    RPB


9:30am             4-H Pocket Pal Show              SA

10am                4-H Horse & Pony Show         HA

10:30am            Enter 4-H Cat Projects            SA

11am                4-H Cat Show                         SA

1pm                  4-H Rabbit & Cavy Show        SA



6–11am             Enter 4-H Swine, Goats, &


8:30–11:30am    Enter Open Class Foods,    OCB                            Food Preservation, Hay &


10:30am            4-H Poultry Show              RPB

12pm                4-H Livestock Sonoray

2–6pm              WKVI Broadcasting Live       FBB

4:30pm             Grovertown Conservation   FFP

Club Ham & Bean Dinner

5pm                  Open Class Bake Sale         OCB

6pm                  4-H Club Parade           FB to SA

6:15pm             Opening Ceremonies              SA

                                     (4-H Club & Leader Recognition,

     Fair Board Scholarships, 10 Year

     Member Recognition, Junior

     Leader Scholarship, & 4-H Junior      Leader Achievement Royalty)


MONDAY, JULY 13TH(cont.)

6-8pm        Seisho Jitsu Demonstration      LCEP

6-10pm     Carnival Special—One Price Rides

6:30pm       Deadline to enter Pig Scramble     FO

7pm           Donut Eating Contest                  FFP

Sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance

7pm           Children’s Craft                          OCB

7:30pm      Pig Scramble                                HA

8pm           WKVIdol                                       SA

Sponsored by WKVI

8:30pm      4-H Horse & Pony Show                HA

(Costume Class)



8am           4-H Beef & Beef Starter Calf                      SA


11am         Starke County Beef Breeder’s      FFP

Ribeye Sandwiches

11am         4-H Horse & Pony Show                HA

1pm           4-H Rabbit & Cavy                      RPB


1:30pm      Dairy Starter Calf &                    SA

Dairy Steer Show

2-6pm        WKVI Broadcasting Live              FBB

4pm           Antique Tractor Pull                       PT

5pm           Pedal Tractor Pull                    PNFC


6pm           4-H Sheep Show                           SA

6pm           Pedal Tractor Pull begins          PNFC

6-8pm        Impaired Driving Test                LCEP

Sponsored by Drug & Tobacco Free

Starke County and Starke County

Sheriff’s Dept.

7pm           Food Safety                                          OCB

(Family Nutrition Program)

7:30pm       Square Dancing Tractors            PT



8am           4-H Swine Show                            SA

11am         4-H Junior Leader Pork Booth      FFP

2-6pm        WKVI Broadcasting Live              FBB

5pm           Healthy Baby Contest                    SA

Sponsored by Psi Iota Xi

 Must Reside in Starke County

                                                Registration      Judging

0-6 months        5pm                  5:30pm

7-12 months      5:30pm             6:00pm

13-18 months   6pm                  6:30pm

6pm           4-H Horse & Pony Grand Entry      HA

WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th (cont.)

6:30pm      Stick Horse Fun Show                   HA

6:30pm      Monday Night Pickers              LCEP

7pm           4-H Horse & Pony Show                HA

(Gaming Contests)

8pm           REMC Demonstration               LCEP



8am           4-H Goat Show                              SA

9am–12pm Open Class Flower Entry            OCB

(Fresh Flowers only)

11am-2pm Free Lunch                                  FFP

Sponsored by Miller’s Merry Manor

2-6pm      WKVI Broadcasting Live                 FBB

3pm         4-H Horse & Pony Show                  HA

(Western Riding & Reining Classes)

5pm         Farm Bureau Truck Show             PT


5pm         4-H Horse & Pony Show                  HA

(Versatility & Trail Classes)

5-6pm      Corn Hole Registration                PNFC

5-7pm      Antique Tractor Show                  PT

Sponsored by Starke County FFA Chapters

6pm         Corn Hole Contest                      PNFC

Sponsored by St. Matthew’s Church

6-9pm      Horses & Ponies Released

7pm         Farm Bureau Truck Show Judging PT

7pm         4-H Trophies & Awards Program      SA

7pm         Fun, Easy Exercise                      OCB

(Family Nutrition Program)

7-8:30pm Nightshift Band                          LCEP

7:45pm    4-H & Open Class Fashion Revue    SA

8pm         Farm Bureau Truck Show                 PT

9-11pm    Animals not selling in auction released



8am-noon Animals not selling in auction and

Horses & Ponies released

9am          4-H Round Robin Showmanship     SA


10am        4-H Livestock Judging Contest        SA


10:30pm   4-H Livestock Judging Contest        SA

11am        4-H Poultry Showmanship           RPB

11 am–noon Open Class Bake-A-Rama       OCB


(Entry fee $1.00)   Flavor – Strawberry

12pm        Battle of the Barns registration        FO

FRIDAY, JULY 17TH (cont.)


1pm          Battle of the Barns                         HA

2-6pm       WKVI Broadcasting Live               FBB

5pm          4-H Livestock Auction                     SA

6-8pm        Impaired Driving Test                LCEP

Sponsored by Drug & Tobacco Free

Starke County and Starke County

Sheriff’s Dept.

6-8pm       Karaoke with Chuck & Donna     LCEP

7-9pm       Calamity Clown                            FFP

7:30pm     Draft Horse Pull                             PT



7am-noon Animals removed & pens cleaned

8am          4-H Dog Agility Competition

10am        Kids Day & Fun Games                  SA


10-11:30am Release 4-H & Open Class FB/OCB


11am        Garden Tractor Pull Weigh-in

11am        Kids Day & Fun Games                  SA

12pm        Garden Tractor Pull                        PT



5pm      Truck & Tractor Pull

     Sponsored by Hamlet Fire Department



FB – 4-H Building

FBB – Farm Bureau Building

FO – Fair Office

FFAB – FFA Building

FFP – 4-H Food Pavilion

FFPP – 4-H Food Pavilion Patio

GSB – Goat/Sheep Barn

HA – Horse Arena

LCEP – Lion’s Club Entertainment Patio

LFS – Lion’s Food Stand

OCB – Open Class Building

PNFC – Patio North of Food Court

PT – Pull Track Next to Horse Arena

RPB – Rabbit/Poultry Building

SA – Show Arena

SB – Swine Building

SLC – South of Lion’s Club in Grass






Monday, July 13th


Seisho Jitsu Demonstration                   6-8pm

Come & check it out!!!!!!


Donut Eating Contest                            7pm

Come & see how many donuts you can eat!


WKVIdol                                               8pm

Are you the best singer in Starke County?  Come listen to local youth talent as they compete to be the winner of WKVIdol!!



Tuesday, July 14th


Impaired Driving Test                             6-8pm

Just exactly how hard is it to

drive while impaired?!?!


National Pedal Pullers & Racers             6pm

Pedal tractor pull for children ages 3—12!

Registration @ 5pm



Wednesday, July 15th


Healthy Baby Contest                            5pm

All Starke County residents 18 months

and younger are invited to compete in

 the Healthy Baby Contest!!


Monday Night Pickers                           6:30pm

Listen to this local group make music!



Thursday, July 16th


Corn Hole Contest                                 6pm

Find a partner and enter for only $20!

Registration @5pm



Farm Bureau Truck Show                       8pm

This event is open to be all truck enthusiasts!! 

Registration @ 5pm

Judging @7pm

Enter one of the six classes for only $5.00!

Classes:  Most Smoke, Semi, Anything Goes Best of Show, Audience Choice & Best Farm Bureau member truck


Nightshift Band                                    7-8:30pm

Listen to everything from

country to rock n roll!!


Friday, July 17th


Impaired Driving Test                             6-8pm

Just exactly how hard is it to

drive while impaired?!?!


Karaoke with Chuck & Donna                  6-8pm

Sing your favorite tunes or

listen to the music!!


Sunday, July 19th


Truck & Tractor Pull                               5pm

Gates Open @ 3pm


IPA Modified Tractors

IPA Pro-Farm Tractors

ITPA Pro Stock 4×4 Trucks

ITPA 2.5 Diesel 4×4 Trucks

Open Diesel Trucks

Admission $10.00

Questions? Please Contact:

Frank Lonigro (574)440-4203 or

Kyle Hinds (574)806-4813




4-H Exhibit Building

Sunday 12-4pm

Monday-Friday 10am-10pm


Open Class Building

Monday–Friday 10am-10pm



Conservation Building

Monday-Friday 10am–5pm and 6-10pm


Commercial Building

Monday-Friday 5-10pm


Pony Rides

Monday-Friday 5-10pm





Monday, July 13th—Friday, July 17th


Saturday, July 18th



Special Prices

Monday, July 13th 6-10pm

Wristband     $20.00


Wednesday, July 15th 6-10pm

Buddy Night

2 Wrist Bands $35.00


Saturday, July 18th 1-4pm

Wristband     $15.00






Fair Office (574)867-6385


President: Ed Troike

Vice President: Roger Ferch

Secretary: Carrie Block

Treasurer: Janet Wilde


Wayne Emigh                            Ed Jernas

Randy Johnson                         Jim Kuchel

Joe McIntire                              Mabel Paul

Kevin Wagner                            Larry Wilde

Appointed: Jack Miller


2015 Pulaski County Pageant Royalty

[center] Macy Bischoff of Winamac was crowned Miss Pulaski County 2015 and was also chosen as Miss Congeniality .She is shown with (l-r) 2014 Queen Justine Kruger, first runner-up Melissa Bailey, and second runner-up Alyssa Bushman who also won the People's Choice award.
[center] Macy Bischoff of Winamac was crowned Miss Pulaski County 2015 and was also chosen as Miss Congeniality .She is shown with 2014 Queen Justine Kruger, first runner-up Melissa Bailey, and second runner-up Alyssa Bushman who also won the People’s Choice award.
The Pulaski County 4-H Fair kicked off with the annual Miss Pulaski Pageant on Sunday. Six local ladies came together to compete for the crown. Contestants included Briana Gallegos, Melissa Ann Bailey, Olivea Eschelman-Gorby, Macy Bischoff, Alyssa Bushman and Kallie Rasmussen. Since May the candidates have been meeting weekly to train for the pageant with things such as make-up application, dress rehearsals, mock-judging, interviews and public speaking. Continue reading

N.J.-S.P. School Board Moves Forward With School Funding Referendum

North Judson-San Pierre Admin buildingThough the school board typically meets on the third Tuesday of every month, the North Judson-San Pierre Board of Trustees held a special school board meeting yesterday evening in which they considered and deliberated the need for a referendum tax levy to carry out their public education duty.

This means that in November the public will be asked to either confirm or deny the implementation of a property tax rate that will not exceed forty-seven and half cents on each one hundred dollars for the purpose of funding the general operations of the North Judson-San Pierre school corporation. This maximum rate will be reviewed annually during the seven calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum. It will never exceed higher than this approved rate but could potentially be lowered based on revenue and expenditures. Continue reading

Pulaski County EMA Director Resigns

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Pulaski County Commissioners accepted the letter of resignation of their Emergency Management Agency Director.

Larry Hoover told the Commissioners last night that he would leave his position effective August 1st. Allowing for several weeks to make the transition also will allow Hoover time to prepare certain grant applications for the county.
Continue reading

WKVIdol Deadline Extension

wkvidolHaven’t had a chance to make your submission for WKVIdol yet? Don’t fret, the deadline has been extended to allow more children the chance to compete in this year’s singing contest at the Starke County 4-H Fair. Though the deadline has been extended, you should still get your entries in as soon as possible in order to ensure your spot in the competition on Monday, July 13 at 8 pm in the show arena. Continue reading

Summer Safety – Temperatures Inside Cars Can Easily Exceed 100 Degrees

l00kb4ulockDuring the coming months, summer temperatures are expected to soar. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration likes to annually remind care-givers of small children to never leave a child unattended in a vehicle. They report that on a 60 degree day temperatures inside a locked car can get well above 100 degrees very quickly. On hotter days that get up into the 80s and 90s outside, temperatures in a car can be a dangerous 130 to 160 degrees within minutes. These conditions are obviously incredibly dangerous to young children who can potentially die when their bodies temperatures exceed 107 degrees. Heatstroke does not always lead to death but can also cause various other health problems such as permanent brain damage, deafness and the loss of sight.  Continue reading

Mosquito Tips – From Keeping Them Out of Sight to Dealing With Bites, Be Sure You’re Handling it Right

skeetoWhen you consider the phrase “killer creatures” your mind most likely automatically turns to those creepy crawlers and vicious attackers of the animal kingdom such as snakes, sharks and other wild animals. You may be shocked to discover that the world’s deadliest creature is actually an insect. But if you still happen to see any of such wild animals around your area that may endanger your loved ones, services like snake removal can swoop in to the rescue.

Mosquitoes kill more people world wild than sharks, wolves, lions, elephants, hippopotamuses, crocodiles, dogs, tape and round worms, freshwater snails, assassin bugs, Tsetse flies, snakes and humans combined! After adding together the reported number of fatalities from the animals listed above it came out to 586,220 deaths which is still 138,780 less than the astonishing 725,000 deaths from mosquitoes on a yearly basis. Continue reading

Pulaski County 4H Fair Sewing and Fashion Results

Junior Division
Champion Grade 3: Mason Istre
Reserve Champion Grade 3: Brie Leman
Champion Grade 4: Summer Budka
Reserve Champion Grade 4: Alison Grothaus
Champion Grade 5: Joanna Miller
Reserve Champion Grade 5: Kirsten Calloway
Champion Grade 6: Makayla Libey
Champion Grade 7: Jenna Zeider
Reserve Champion Grade 7: Taylor Jennings
Grand Champion: Jenna Zeider
Reserve Grand Champion: Makayla Libey
Champion Grade 3: Evelyn Libey
Reserve Champion Grade 3: Brooklynn Mellon
Champion Grade 4: Summer Budka
Reserve Champion Grade 4: Alison Grothaus
Champion Grade 5: McKenzie Mitchell
Reserve Champion Grade 5: Kelsey Conner
Champion Grade 6: Makayla Libey
Reserve Champion Grade 6: Taylor Perry
Grand Champion: Makayla Libey
Reserve Grand Champion: McKenzie Mitchell
Senior Division
Champion Level C: Kassi Dahn
Champion Level D: Jill Zehner
Grand Champion: Kassi Dahn
Reserve Grand Champion: Jill Zehner
Champion: Sara Bailey
Reserve Champion: Jillian Brumm
Dress Up:
Champion: Sara Bailey
Reserve Champion: Claire Stout
Free Choice:
Champion: Missy Bailey
Reserve Champion: Michaela Cook
Suit or Coat:
Champion: Missy Bailey
Reserve Champion: Michaela Cook
Champion: Regan Culp
Formal Wear:
Champion: Regan Culp
Reserve Champion: Andriana Smith
Grand Champion: Missy Bailey (Coat)
Reserve Grand Champion: Sara Bailey (Dress Up)
Champion Level A: Brendan Day
Reserve Champion Level A: Paul Baumen
Champion Level B: Jenna Cords
Reserve Champion Level B: Jasmine Felda
Champion Level C: Conner Jennings
Reserve Champion Level C: Kayleen Button
Grand Champion: Conner Jennings
Reserve Grand Champion: Kayleen Button
Level 1
Black and White Prints
Champion: Chloe Felda
Color Prints
Champion: Kelsey Conner
Reserve Champion: Chase Keller
Level 2
Black and White Prints
Champion: Elizabeth Button
Reserve Champion: Mercy Wuethrich
Color Prints
Champion: Jaden Cords
Reserve Champion: Jenna Cords
Color Salon Print
Champion: Jaden Cords
Reserve Champion: Jenna Cords
Black and White Salon Print
Champion: Samantha DePoy
Level 3
Black and White Prints
Champion: Kayleen Button
Color Prints
Champion: Emma Hoover
Reserve Champion: John Rumsey
Color Salon Print
Champion: Katie Culp
Reserve Champion: Donna Zehner
Black and White Salon Print
Champion: Emma Hoover
Grand Champion: Jaden Cords (Color Prints)


2015 Fashion Review Results
Junior Division (Grades 3-7)
Champion Grade 3: Brie Leman
Reserve Champion Grade 3: Mason Istre
Champion Grade 4: Alison Grothaus
Reserve Champion Grade 4: Summer Budka
Champion Grade 5: Camille Leman
Reserve Champion Grade 5: Kirsten Calloway
Champion Grade 6: Makayla Libey
Champion Grade 7: Taylor Jennings
Reserve Champion Grade 7: Jenna Zeider
Grand Champion: Taylor Jennings
Reserve Grand Champion: Camille Leman
Senior Division (Grades 8-12)
Champion: Sara Bailey
Reserve Champion: Donna Zehner
Champion: Sara Bailey
Reserve Champion: Kassi Dahn
Free Choice
Champion: Missy Bailey
Reserve Champion: Michaela Cook
Suit or Coat
Champion: Missy Bailey
Reserve Champion: Michaela Cook
Champion: Regan Culp
Formal Wear
Champion: Regan Culp
Reserve Champion: Andriana Smith
Grand Champion: Sara Bailey (Dress Up)
Reserve Grand Champion: Regan Culp (Formal)

Pulaski County 4-H Achievement Royalty Crowned

2015 Pulaski County 4-H Achievement Royalty: Queen Madison Ruff and King Caleb Bucinski.  4-H Court is  Regan Culp, Donna Zehner, Peyton Newman and Brittany Fox
2015 Pulaski County 4-H Achievement Royalty: Queen Madison Ruff and King Caleb Bucinski.
4-H Court is Regan Culp, Donna Zehner, Peyton Newman and Brittany Fox

Achievement royalty reigns over the Pulaski County 4-H Fair. Caleb Bucinski and Madison Ruff were crowned king and queen during Saturday’s pageant at Winamac Nazarene Church. Their court consists of Regan Culp, Donna Zehner, Peyton Newman and Brittany Fox. Continue reading

Kid’s Closet Ministry Receives Grants to Help Starke County Youngsters

Kids Closet_01A foundation that focuses on providing for the community has recently received quite a substantial amount of money for their dedication to the well being of the children of Starke County. Kid’s Closet Ministry was not only gifted a $2,000 grant through the Starke United Fund but recently was approved to receive $3,000 thanks to the kind submission of a community member who realized the importance of the foundation. Continue reading