Pulaski County is about to make trash disposal a bit easier at their Transfer Station.
A credit/debit card machine will be installed to accept payments for items being disposed that will avoid inconveniencing businesses and individuals who happen to take advantage of the service.
Commission President Larry Brady says this is a good step following several customer requests.
“I think it will be a wonderful asset to the customers of our transfer station,” says Brady.
Currently, those disposing of items at the transfer station must pay with cash or check.
In order to manage the credit card machine, an ordinance must first be written to use the machine and have an agreement with the company overseeing the service. The ordinance would also allow the Pulaski County Auditor’s office to view the transactions taking place.
The transactions would be reconciled periodically based on a recommendation from the State Board of Accounts.
Director Brad Bonnell says the only change with the machine will be the shortening the times between reconciliation.
“The credit card machine, I only want to do it weekly instead of monthly,” says Bonnell. “I think weekly would be better in case there is an error.”
The machine will also notify the county if insufficient funds exist before ever taking cash payment.
After voting unanimously to begin work on an ordinance that outlines credit card procedures, the matter may go to the Pulaski County Council as early as next week. The ordinance will return to the Pulaski County Commissioners in the near future.