Knox School Board Discusses Insurance Options
The annual expense and coverage of the Knox School Corporation’s property and casualty insurance programs were reviewed last night for board members by Mark Aldus for the Educational Service Center Risk Funding Trust (ESCRFT). It’s a cooperative self-insurance program service for some 40 school systems in Indiana. Area schools already in the insurance co-op include Argos, Plymouth, South Central, Eastern Pulaski, the JESSE Cooperative and several others. At the next board meeting the current carrier will make its presentation for renewal of coverage.
Funds, totaling almost $2,500.00, from the disbanded Middle School PTO were accepted by the Board. The board also accepted more than $2,800 from the Elementary School PTO as reimbursement for playground fence, a gate and mulch.
Approval was given for the purchase of 50 additional computers, required by increased student enrollment and provision for replacements.
A History Club was approved to be organized for High School students.
Superintendent A.J. Gappa announced an open house of the Porter Trust Employee Health & Wellness Center at 307 Carlson Drive, in Knox (the old license branch location). It’s scheduled for Thursday, October 22, between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.
The Knox Clinic will provide health services for employees of the school corporation.