Culver Bumping Employee Wages, Fire and EMS Raises Considered Next Year

culver town hall

The Town of Culver has set salaries for its employees heading into the new year.

Prior to finalizing those pay levels, Culver first has to approve them in the form of a salary ordinance. It’s an annual measure that is expected to be well documented by the state of Indiana.

Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe says now is the time the Town usually puts the finishing touches on matters related to their budget.

“Typically this is about the time of year we try to finalize the salary ordinance, because if there are changes, they would take place in January,” says Munroe.

The Town Council first made note of the fact that they will not be receiving raises in their stipend levels. During their meeting on Tuesday, Town Council members also stated that there were a few raises last year, but nothing across-the-board.

Supervisors with the Town, including: Town Manager, Clerk, and Police Chief will receive a $1,500 raise in 2016. Police officers will see $.50 per hour added to their paychecks – amounting to a 2-percent annual increase.

Munroe says other departments will also see an increase for 2016.

“For the Street Department, it’s also about 2-percent, set at about a $.75 per hour increase,” says Munroe.

Part time Police will see a slightly smaller $.25 cent hourly increase. Culver’s EMS and Fire Departments will remain flat for 2016, but the Town Council said they will consider increases for 2017.

The salary ordinance was approved unanimously on first reading. It will come back for a second and third reading at the next Culver Town Council meeting.