An Indiana Department of Homeland Security emergency management team is en route to Maryland to assist Baltimore officials with their severe weather response. The city is still working to dig out from the weekend blizzard. The state of emergency declared Friday by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is in effect until further notice.
Pulaski County Emergency Management Agency Director Sheri Gaillard is part of the deployment. So is Fulton County EMA Director Larry Hoover, who previously served Pulaski County.
Gov. Mike Pence said in a statement, “The willingness of local public safety professionals to help others goes well beyond the borders of our state. Indiana is in a strong position to lend assistance and resources to our neighbors in need, and I applaud the team for its commitment to service.”
Team members will be in Maryland for a week, according to the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. They will help with logistics, mission tracking, resource logging and staging area operations. Emergency personnel from various disciplines are part of the response effort.