Culver Slated for Pair of Meetings to Consider LOIT Application, EMS

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council will convene for a pair of meetings on Tuesday.

According to the advance agenda, Culver will be reviewing paving quotes for projects planned around the community during a special session at 3:40 p.m. EDT. In addition to reviewing pricing for the projects, the Town of Culver will also authorize its application for 2016 LOIT Special Distribution appropriations.

In the later session at 5:00 p.m. EDT, Culver intends to put some time into upgrading its EMS service from an advanced service to a paramedic service. The service, in conjunction with Union Township would likely cause an increase in employee wages, but also allow the community to provide an increased level of service.

Both meetings will take place at Culver Town Hall.