EP Developing List for More Projects After Unexpected Allowances


The Eastern Pulaski School Corporation continues work to complete a few additional upgrades to their facilities.

Following a bond issuance last year as part of Elementary School upgrades, the corporation found itself with $300-thousand to $400-thousand in contingency that could be used for some of the work.

Superintendent Dan Foster says he’s requesting certain employees and school board members be on the lookout for possible projects.

“All we have so far is the list that we talked about going back and forth in e-mails and stuff,” says Foster. “Again, if anybody thinks of something along the way, say ‘hey’ have we thought about doing that?”

Gibraltar Construction and General Contracting has been tasked with developing price quotes for the work. The school board Monday night said they hoped they would have pricing on some of the immediate projects returned by their meeting, but were unable to discuss the matter further without estimates.

There’s a running list of about 15 projects, which includes items such as carpeting and cafeteria painting that could help spend down the allowance.

Foster says a change was recently made to the list. The east vestibule in the auditorium was recommended for new carpet, but the plan leaves the west entryway untouched.

“We thought that didn’t make any sense,” says Foster. “So we said that we understand the carpet has been ordered, that’s fine. But as it turns out, it got better than we anticipated because the carpet they ordered is the walk-off carpet at the middle school, so we should be able to finish that little hallway.”

The contingency funds were split into work for general construction, electrical, and HVAC upgrades. Plumbing work ate nearly all of the estimated overages, but other projects left the school corporation with some extra room.

The school board hopes to have the list finalized in the coming weeks with work starting as soon as possible.