N.J.-S.P. Strategic Planning Committee Defines “The Bluejay Way”

The North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation has a new slogan officials hope will revive Bluejay pride in the community.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin says the strategic plan committee that has been meeting since September came up with “The Bluejay Way – Who We Are, Where We Go, What We Do.”

She says N.J.-S.P. has used the phrase “The Bluejay Way” for the past six or seven years as part of its identity.

“What that Bluejay Way is, we want to show respect at all times. We want to be responsible for our actions and our academics, and through that we hope to have achievement.”

Zupin says the strategic planning group elaborated the notion as part of their ongoing effort to market the school corporation.

“The ‘Who We Are, Where We Go, What We Do,’ I think that really is the pride factor. It’s the tradition. That I think really adds to ‘The Bluejay Way’ that was around for a few years.”

Winamac-based marketing consultant Brad Conn helped the committee with the slogan as well as the redesigned Bluejay logo. It’s featured on shirts, which are available for purchase at the junior-senior high school.

We’ll hear more from Dr. Zupin regarding N.J.-S.P.’s strategic pan throughout the week on WKVI.