The Knox Community High School Drama Department is staging a popular musical production this weekend.
Director Terril Hahn says she chose “The Music Man” for a few different reasons.
“It’s got a great big cast. It’s a fun show. It is also one of Mrs. Pickell and Mrs. Geisler’s favorite shows, and this is their last show because they are retiring.”
“The Music Man” made its Broadway debut in 1957 and won five Tony Awards. It’s the tale of a con man who poses as a boys’ band instructor in an attempt to fleece naïve townspeople by selling them band instruments and uniforms. His plans to skip town are foiled by the local librarian, and a romance ensues.
Hahn says the Knox Community High School production features 50 students in the cast, crew and orchestra. Performances are tonight (Saturday) at 7 and tomorrow (Sunday) at 2 p.m. in the Knox High School auditorium. Tickets are $7 each.